Thursday, August 21, 2008

Painting Nature & the Sublime

The piece shown above is an 8" x 8" study for a much larger painting to be titled "Oil & Water" which I hope will be ready for the VISA show in December.

Past Poliptychs and Chromatic Greys for Christmas

I have wanted to take a colour theory course for years. Rereading old journals and noticing a recurring entry, "I want to take a colour theory class", I decided after ten years that it was time. Friends suggested Xane St. Phillips' Understanding Colour at Vancouver Island School of Art (VISA) so I signed on. And then I signed on for Understanding Colour II and then I signed on for Painting Nature & the Sublime, all taught by Xane who is brilliant and whose enthusiasm matches my own. I met a great group of people and together we mounted an exhibit titled "Poliptychs, a grouped show". I have since met another great group and am working on a series of paintings for an exhibit at the Slide Room Gallery this December in Victoria. The theme is chromatic greys and the curator is Sarah Harper (who is also brilliant).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Finally updating my website & adding this blog

I am in the process of making changes to my web site; editing my bio/cv, replacing a few images, etc. It's not easy keeping a web site up to date especially when you can't (don't want to) DIY. I let the gang at Star Global (see Friends & Favourites) take care of all that, but their hands are tied until I actually send them something to update. Soooooo... if you visit often, please be patient. One thing that should remain up to date is this blog. I can post at my leisure and upload paintings as they are completed in case they don't make it to my PAINTINGS page right away. Works in progress could even find their way here... do be kind with any comments though, as you will not have the benefit of my vision for the final painting.