Thursday, August 21, 2008
Painting Nature & the Sublime
The piece shown above is an 8" x 8" study for a much larger painting to be titled "Oil & Water" which I hope will be ready for the VISA show in December.
Past Poliptychs and Chromatic Greys for Christmas
I have wanted to take a colour theory course for years. Rereading old journals and noticing a recurring entry, "I want to take a colour theory class", I decided after ten years that it was time. Friends suggested Xane St. Phillips' Understanding Colour at Vancouver Island School of Art (VISA) so I signed on. And then I signed on for Understanding Colour II and then I signed on for Painting Nature & the Sublime, all taught by Xane who is brilliant and whose enthusiasm matches my own. I met a great group of people and together we mounted an exhibit titled "Poliptychs, a grouped show". I have since met another great group and am working on a series of paintings for an exhibit at the Slide Room Gallery this December in Victoria. The theme is chromatic greys and the curator is Sarah Harper (who is also brilliant).